$1660Brand : other,No,Packaging,other,Mainland China,SC10811310111839,bubble gum,See packaging for details,other,540,other,2023-09-20;2024-04-10,other,50.4g,mh729697753692,Grape Flavor 28 tablets 8.9 only,White peach flavor 28 tablets 8.9 only,Blueberry Flavor 28 pieces 7.9 only,Watermelon flavor 28 pieces only 7.9,Fresh fruit flavor 28 pieces only 7.9,Mint Flavor 28 pts 7.9 only,[2 Boxes] (28 Grape Flavor and 28 White Peach Flavor) Only 15,[2 boxes] (grape flavor 28 blueberry flavor 28 tablets) only 15,[2 boxes] blueberry flavor 28*2 boxes only 15,[2 boxes] watermelon flavor 28*2 boxes only 15,[2 boxes] fresh fruit flavor 28*2 boxes only 15,[2 boxes] mint flavor 28*2 boxes only 15,[2 boxes] (28 slices of fresh fruit flavor and 28 slices of watermelon flavor) only 15,[2 boxes] (28 pieces of watermelon flavor and 28 pieces of blueberry flavor) only 15,[2 boxes] (mint flavor 28 pieces of fresh fruit flavor 28 pieces) only 15,[2 boxes] (blueberry flavor 28 pieces of fresh fruit flavor 28 pieces) only 15,[2 boxes] (blueberry flavor 28 mint flavor 28 tablets) only 15,[3 boxes] blueberry flavor 28*3 boxes only 22.5,[3 boxes] watermelon flavor 28*3 boxes only 22.5,[3 boxes] fresh fruit flavor 28*3 boxes only 22.5,[3 boxes] mint flavor 28*3 boxes only 22.5,[Total 3 Boxes] (Blueberry Flavor Watermelon Flavor Mint Flavor) Only 22.5,[3 boxes] (mint flavor fresh fruit flavor watermelon flavor) only 22.5,[Total 3 Boxes] (Blueberry Flavor Watermelon Flavor Fresh Fruit Flavor) Only 22.5,[3 boxes in total] (mint flavor, fresh fruit flavor, blueberry flavor) only 22.5,[4 boxes] blueberry flavor 28*4 boxes only 28.8,[4 boxes] watermelon flavor 28*4 boxes only 28.8,[4 boxes] fresh fruit flavor 28*4 boxes only 28.8,[4 boxes] mint flavor 28*4 boxes only 28.8,[4 boxes in total] (watermelon, blueberry, mint, fresh fruit) only 28.8,Throughout the year,Normal temperature,other |
Material : Default |
Pcs/Carton : N/A | Packing Size/Carton : N/A | Packing Vol/Carton : N/A |
N.W./Carton : N/A | G.W./Carton : N/A | QTY in 40HQ : N/A |
QTY in 40GP : N/A | QTY in 20GP : N/A |
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