Whether patent source : No,Khaki,Green,Black,S code,M code,L code,XL code,Amazon,South America,North America,Yes,Yes,Wedding,Party Party,Couple,Couple,Colleagues,Friend,Child,Classmate,Christmas,Valentine's Day,Spring Festival,New Year's Day,Tanabata,Halloween,Easter,National Day,Children's Day,Yes, personal gifts,No,Dog,Cloth,Guangdong,No,Cage,CG-915,DODOPET |
Material : Default |
Pcs/Carton : N/A | Packing Size/Carton : N/A | Packing Vol/Carton : N/A |
N.W./Carton : N/A | G.W./Carton : N/A | QTY in 40HQ : N/A |
QTY in 40GP : N/A | QTY in 20GP : N/A |
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• If products are as described, seller has the right to refuse return. Buyer should pay return shipping fee if return require is insisted on.