Function : Temperature Measurement,No,No,Yes,None,Yes, personal gifts,Business Gifts,Meeting gifts,Welfare gift,Festival gifts,Christmas,Valentine's Day,Spring Festival,Father's Day,Mother's Day,Teacher's Day,New Year's Day,Qixi,Halloween,Easter,National Day,Children's Day,Women's Day,Couple,Couple,Colleague,Friends,Elders,Children,Classmates,Teacher,Birthday,Full Moon,Tourism Memorial,Graduation,Housewarming,Party party,Visiting sympathy,2020,First-class products,Ladies,Men,Children,Couple,Universal,Student,Universal,Outdoor,Travel,Gift,School,Yes,Laser engraving,Silk Screen,12*12*24,40-50 yuan,Yes,OK,304 m Tiger (Single Cup special offer),304 pink rabbit (one Cup with three covers) without Pocket Cup cover,304 little dinosaur (one Cup with three covers) without Pocket Cup cover,304 Chicken (one Cup with three covers) without Pocket Cup cover,304 pink bear (one Cup with three covers) without Pocket Cup cover,304 Tiger (one Cup with three covers) without Pocket Cup cover,304 Unicorn (one Cup with three covers) without Pocket Cup cover,304 Lion (one Cup with three covers) without Pocket Cup cover,304 Unicorn (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,304 Lion (one Cup with three lids) pocket cup cover,304 Chick (one Cup with three lids) pocket cup cover,304 pink bear (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,304 Tiger (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,304 little dinosaur (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,304 small pink rabbit (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,316 Unicorn (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,316 Lion (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,316 Chick (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,316 pink bear (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,316 Tiger (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,316 little dinosaur (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,316 pink rabbit (one Cup with three covers) pocket cup cover,Smart temperature 316 Unicorn (one cup and three covers),Smart temperature 316 lion beast (one cup and three covers),Smart temperature 316 chicken (one cup and three covers),Smart temperature 316 bear (one cup and three covers),Smart temperature 316 Tiger (one cup and three covers),Smart temperature 316 little dinosaur (one cup and three covers),Smart temperature 316 pink rabbit (one cup and three covers),Unicorn (antibacterial + Smart),Blue Lion (antibacterial + Smart),Purple chicken (antibacterial + Smart),Pink Bear (antibacterial + Smart),Beige Tiger (antibacterial + Smart),Green Dinosaur (antibacterial + Smart),Pink Rabbit (antibacterial + Smart),Thermos cup,ROYALLOCKE/Royal Rock,RH-1-6,Big belly Cup,316 stainless steel,304 stainless steel,12-24 hours,316 stainless steel,Cartoon,Portable,Insulation |