Color : Dark Blue,Black,Grey,Blue,Nostalgic Blue,Pure black,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,38,40,Taobao,ebay,Amazon,wish,AliExpress,Independent Station,LAZADA,Africa,Europe,South America,Southeast Asia,North America,Northeast Asia,Middle East,Yes,Yes,Sand washing,No,Yes,Adult,Male,Jeans,Spot,9306,Korean-style,Basic,Big horn type,Flanging,Wash,Old,Fold,Grinding White,Cat's whiskers,Trousers,Mid-waist,Zipper Cardigan,Ordinary,Four Seasons,Other,Yes,Whole order,Youth,Spring 2021,Cowboy,Cotton,75,No bomb,Horn,Fold |
Material : Default |
Pcs/Carton : N/A | Packing Size/Carton : N/A | Packing Vol/Carton : N/A |
N.W./Carton : N/A | G.W./Carton : N/A | QTY in 40HQ : N/A |
QTY in 40GP : N/A | QTY in 20GP : N/A |
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• If products are not as described, returns are accepted and return shipping fee should be paid by buyer.
• If products are as described, seller has the right to refuse return. Buyer should pay return shipping fee if return require is insisted on.